When To Visit Tanzania


The Serengeti and Ngorongoro Crater offer great wildlife viewing throughout the year. June and July are typically viewed as the best months for seeing the great migration and February is the best month for the wildebeest calving. Tarangire is best visited from June through October in the dry season when the elephants have migrated to the park in search of water.

  • The best wildlife viewing months are during the Long Dry Season from late June to October which also coincides not coincidentally with the high season. The Great Wildebeest Migration, a highlight of any safari in Tanzania, is a continuous process and animals move in a huge circuitous route clockwise around the Serengeti ecosystem. By August the migratory herds are moved out of Serengeti National Park in Tanzania into Masai Mara Game Reserve in Kenya. While there are greater crowds, the wildlife is easier to view as animals gather around water and the bush is thinner. You can expect cool mornings and evenings. The days are sunny.
  • November to mid-December are the time of the “Short Rains.” The animals graze on the green grass.
  • Mid-December to March are the Short Dry Season are also considered high season and the game viewing is good. February is the warmest month. Late-January to February is the time to see the wildebeest calving and probably the biggest concentration of predators in the world during this time.
  • March through May are the wet season or “Long Rains.” By April many lodges and tented camps shut down because the rains make the roads impassable in the western and southern circuit parks while the northern circuit parks still get plenty of visitors. The scenery is green and beautiful and it is the least expensive time to safari in the game parks.